Insurance Claims & Repairs

Dean Mccathie Painter and Decorator has extensive experience in dealing with insurance companies. We understand that incidences, like the examples below, can be a traumatic experience. Please contact us for advice, we will help where we can. Make sure you have a professional tradesman in your home, one whom you can trust and who is honest and reliable.

Insurance Claims & Repairs

If your home has suffered fire damage, smoke damage, water damage, flood damage or even subsidence damage to one or more rooms in your home you will probably require assistance in restoring your home. We will supply a free detailed estimate with photo evidence for the repair and decorating work needed.

Dean Mccathie can send the estimate directly to your building insurance company and if we are not already on their approved contractors list the insurance company can view this website to see the level of service and experience we offer to their policy holders.

Our Guarantee

When customers choose us to carry out work, we guarantee to:

  • Provide a detailed specification prior to starting with no hidden extras.
  • Use materials best matched to your needs.
  • Regularly update you on the progress of the job.
  • Take no payment until completion unless agreed in the original terms.
  • Fully protect your furnishings and leave your house spotless.

Don't Under-Claim!

We can guide you through the entire insurance claim process and ensure your property is restore to its former glory!

Most of us assume that we’re well insured and that there will be no problem when it comes to making a claim for what we believe to be the full amount of the loss or damage we may suffer. If only it were that simple! Anyone who’s lived through such a misfortune in their home or business will tell you this is far from the case.

An insurance policy is easy to buy, but making a justifiable claim is now very time consuming and increasingly complex. Insurance companies employ loss adjusters to protect their interests – not yours.

At Dean Mccathie Painter and Decorator we provide a complete claim management service, valuable support and professional advice to you, the policyholder. We can ensure that your claim is settled fairly and quickly, and that you receive everything you’re entitled to. Preferably talk to us before you talk to the insurance company.

our guarantee

All our work comes with a FREE 12 Month Guarantee!